
Thursday, October 20, 2005

You want me to join a church?

Church Membership - a case of “collective hearing”

It has often been said that when men get married, they get a case of “selective hearing.”  In other words, they hear what they want to hear, and conveniently miss what they want to miss.  (In defense of married men, I’d like to say that’s not true.  I’d like to … but…that’s probably best left to another article)  

I’ve been thinking about Church Membership this week.  (On Sunday, our church is receiving eight new members - an exciting day for a small church.)   Today, in conversation with my secretary, it came to me that church membership is a case of “collective hearing.”  There are many leadings of God we miss when we depend on our own understanding.  But when all of the ears of a group of people listen intently, collectively they hear it better.  

No church is perfect.  No church has all the answers.  And to a great extent, the idea of church membership has fallen into disfavor.  But I want to say that one great advantage of commitment to a church through membership is this - you develop collective hearing.


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